Why El Club del Frío
We want to bring you closer to the different techniques used in cold, heat and contrast therapies in a practical and effective way. You will learn these tools in a concise and clear way. You will quickly see that these knowledge and practices work and we will teach you how to implement them into your daily wellness routine.
Everything you will learn is based on scientific studies, we want you to practice proven techniques, without gurus or esotericism, what really works.
Directly to the point
We are practical people, we greatly value your time and ours, so we always try to get straight to the point, without detours, with concise and effective therapies.
We like to pay attention to the small details, so we take care of even the smallest details so that you feel comfortable and at ease with us. We have extensive experience in managing group activities.
We are always at your disposal to help you and clarify any questions you may have, both in our workshops and session, anything else we can help you with. This is not about selling a course, it is teaching you tools to improve your life.
Our main goals:
Live healthier
There are dozens of reasons why contrast therapies have been used for centuries, but for us one of the most important is that we can live healthier, with a better quality of life. These therapies will be the trigger to improve your health and well-being.
Live happier
Mens sana in corpore sana. What comes first? The body or the mind? For us, it's a balance, but you have to start somewhere. With us you will learn tools to start that movement towards feeling better in every way.
Creating community
The more people, the more we will laugh. This phrase applies perfectly to our Club, we share experiences, knowledge, experiences, etc. As a group, we feel supported and it gives us that extra courage that helps us move forward on our path.
About me
How are you!
My name is Matías Mut, I am the creator and founder of El Club del Frío. First of all, thank you very much for visiting our website and learning more about us. In this section I would like you to know a little more about me and why I decide to start this adventure.
Since my teens, I have been a self-taught entrepreneur. This venture led me to live many years outside of Spain, dedicating body and soul to my businesses in the tourism industry, innovating and achieving multiple professional successes. I was so dedicated that I totally neglected my body and, even worse, my mind. As time went by I picked up bad habits immersing myself in a vicious circle from which I couldn't seem to escape. Added to this I faced several very difficult personal situations. It was a dangerous cocktail.
Fortunately, I discovered cold exposure, and my life turned upside down. With perseverance, practicing and improving daily, I managed to reverse those bad habits one by one, strengthened my body and mind until I was finally able to get out of the hole.
As these therapies had worked so effectively for me, I felt the obligation to transmit my experience and learning, trying to do my part in the fight against diseases and unhealthy lifestyles: the solution is within us , and thanks to these techniques you can start your change.
That is why I decided to leave my corporate job and focus 100% on "preaching" these wonderful therapies, which have changed the lives of me and hundreds of thousands of people around the world.
Today I can say that, through daily practice, I am hooked on feeling good, and I also like the saying "walk the talk."
I hope you decide to start this path, I will help you make that "click" in your head that makes everything start to change. Once we achieve this, you will see that everything else will seem to be very easy, whatever the reason that motivates you to use these therapies is.
Thank you very much for joining me and I hope to meet you soon.
Matías Mut
Founder of "El Club del Frío"

Thermalist® Master Instructor
Since I began to consider the possibility of transferring my experience and knowledge to others, I knew that I wanted to do it with the support of serious, complete and science-based training. I got certified by the Søberg Institute, being the first instructor in Spain.
This training covers much more than exposure therapies to cold, heat or the different breathing techniques that are most beneficial to health, but also delves into scientific, historical and health and well-being knowledge in general.
Certified Ice Bath Instructor - Power of the Breath
I discovered Dean Gladstone and quickly saw that my approach to cold exposure coincided with his. I decided to train with them and now I am part of their community of coaches, in which we are in close contact to help each other and collaborate in every way possible.
“My purpose is to empower people to manage and influence stress, for better health and performance”
I continue to train daily, researching to be up to date in terms of studies, articles and scientific documents related to the therapies of which I am an instructor.