ice bath experience
Are you interested in exploring the practices of cold exposure, conscious breathing and contrast therapies to improve your physical and mental well-being? Our introductory session is the perfect opportunity to delve into these disciplines and discover the benefits they can bring to your life.
In this introductory program, we will guide you through the essential bases of cold exposure, conscious breathing, and contrast therapies. You will learn to handle these techniques safely and effectively, laying the foundation for greater knowledge and practice in the future.
Teoría: termalismo moderno
Aprenderás los conceptos básicos de la exposición al frío y al calor y las terapias de contraste, su historia y fundamentos científicos que te harán entender qué pasa en tu cuerpo cuando las practicas. Conocerás sus beneficios y comprenderás cómo estas terapias pueden ayudarte a mejorar tu bienestar de múltiples formas.

Práctica: respiración consciente
Introduciremos varias técnicas de respiración consciente, incluyendo ejercicios simples de respiración profunda y relajante. Aprenderás cómo utilizar la respiración para reducir el estrés, mejorar la concentración y calmar la mente.
Realizaremos una práctica de respiración consciente en grupo.

Práctica: baño de hielo
Para finalizar el taller, realizaremos un baño de hielo individual o en pareja, con la guía personalizada de nuestros instructores.
Descubrirás en primera persona todos los efectos de la exposición al frío en el cuerpo, sorpréndete con las sensaciones que experimentarás.
Tanto si es tu primera vez como si ya tienes mucha práctica, te daremos útiles consejos para maximizar la experiencia.

Como colofón, disfrutaremos de un exquisito finger food para comentar la experiencia vivia, mientras realizamos la entrega de los diplomas y algún chapuzón en la preciosa piscina. Una actividad completa, altamente enriquecedora, en un ubicación espectacular como es la Finca Es Cabàs.

This session is perfect for those who want to take their first steps in exploring these practices, regardless of their level of fitness or previous experience. By completing the introductory course, you will have acquired a solid understanding of these disciplines and you will be prepared to continue exploring them at a more advanced level if you wish.
Sign up today and take the first step towards a healthier, more resilient and balanced life through these wonderful therapies.
It's your chance to discover your potential and improve your well-being!

Cristina Socías
As someone who has always avoided the cold, this introductory session challenged me to step out of my comfort zone. I learned that exposure to cold can be a powerful ally for health and well-being. Thanks to conscious breathing techniques, I have reduced anxiety and stress in my daily life. I'm excited to continue exploring these practices and see where they take me.

Laura Crawford
The initiation workshop was the beginning of an incredible journey for me. Despite my initial concerns, Matias was incredibly supportive and patiently guided me through the entire process. Today, ice baths have become a revitalizing part of my daily routine. I feel more in tune with my body and in a clearer state of mind. I can say that this workshop changed my life.

Federic Sbert
We took the course with my partner, and it made me see the cold from a completely new perspective. I learned that cold can be a therapeutic tool and not just an uncomfortable sensation. Cold showers and conscious breathing have become my allies in improving my well-being. This course is definitely worth it!
You will have the opportunity to practice these techniques under the supervision of experienced instructors, ensuring that you are performing them safely and effectively.


Individual or private group up to 4 people: 3,5h
Private group 5-10 people: 4,5h
95€, puedes pagar con tarjeta de crédito, Bizum o efectivo
9:30-9:45: Recepción
9:45-1015: Bienvenida y presentaciones
10:15-11:15: Fundamentos del termalismo moderno: concepto, historia y fundamentos
11:15-11:30: Descanso
11:30:12:20: Beneficios del termalismo moderno, casos prácticos y usos
12:20:13:00: Respiración consciente, teoría y práctica
13:00-13:15: Descanso y preparación para el baño de hielo
13:15-14:00: Baño de hielo
14:00-14:30: Finger food, entrega de diplomas y despedida
What to Brig
Comfortable/sports clothing (preferably warm)
Yoga mat (if you don't have one, we'll lend you one)
Flip flops
Blanket or sleeping bag
Sleep mask (or scarf)
What's included
Healthy snacks
Coffee and tea
Participation certificate
To take in consideration
As a precaution, we advise against participation during pregnancy or breastfeeding
People with cardiovascular problems, epilepsy or any other serious health condition should consult a medical professional and seek approval before starting the program.
Inscríbete ahora:
I am a very cold person, this is not for me...Precisely if you are a cold person, these therapies are perfect for you! By learning to exercise your thermoregulation, you will ensure that the cold does not affect you as much, you will tolerate it much better. And the same thing will happen with the heat, from now on you will handle the hot summers much better. Also consider the mental reward of overcoming "I can't" or "this isn't for me." Once you try it, you will strengthen your mind by showing yourself that it wasn't a big deal and that you could do it. Empowering yourself, controlling and overcoming that initial stress will make you grow and show yourself that you are capable of this and many more things that until now you thought you couldn't do.